Co-Writer, Snap & Read SMA Only

 All resources for using the programs are located in Clever under Don Johnston Resources. I highly recommend you go through the tutorials as I have only read enough to implement not to use.  There is also a direct link to Co-Writer in Clever for teachers. From that page, you will be able to also access Snap & Read. You will be able to import your classes from Google once you sign in to either of these programs. You will sign in using the Google Sign on button for all programs. You may receive an error when logging in, just refresh the page and it should correct itself. 

       Co-Writer is a think cloud icon and snap & read is a crosshair icon on the Chrome toolbar.  If the students do not see these icons, they will need to click the puzzle piece, and then the thumb tack next to the two programs. 

      For the students to use, they will need to click the icon, choose sign in, and then sign in with Google. During testing, I've had several times that I would receive an error during sign in. Have the students refresh the page if that happens and it should push them through. The icon will turn blue in the toolbar indicating they are signed in. They will need to follow the same sign in process for Snap & Read.